Library: Milestone 4

2.01 GridOS Flexibility Market Simulation Configuration
2.01 GridOS Flexibility Market Simulation Configuration
Jenson Lam and Ben Ullman
The purpose of this report is to highlight the structure and components of flexibility markets, which will be provided by Opus One’s GridOS Flexibility Market Simulator (FMS) and advised by Cambridge’s flexibility markets experience.
Publication date: 11/12/2020
2.08 Grid OS Flexibility Market Simulation
2.08 Grid OS Flexibility Market Simulation
Ben Ullman, Jenson Lam, Dave Weber and Paula Meehan
This report details the objectives of Opus One’s GridOS Distributed System Platform (DSP) tool, the data requirements and provides a detailed process flow walkthrough. The report also provides detail around the components of the market simulation modelling with GridOS DSP.
Publication date: 08/07/2020